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The release of new Epstein/Maxwell-related documents has refreshed allegations that Trump was somehow complicit in the blackmailing enterprise that they ran. This could not possibly be more untrue. Though some of the transcripts that mention Trump, Mar-a-Lago, and the Atlantic City Casino are newly public, it was previously known and recently testified to in the Maxwell trial that Epstein/Maxwell targeted Mar-a-Lago and that one of the girls in that trial, "Jane," was taken there in 1994. It was also previously known that Trump chartered one of Epstein's planes to take him from Florida to New Jersey. This was testified to by the pilot when he took the witness stand in Maxwell's trial. However, what is key here is that Epstein messed up by putting himself on Trump's radar. Here's how: The Atlantic City hotel was a trap for criminals from day one. The FBI and the Trump Organization coordinated during the pre-construction phase to set it up as such. Mar-a-Lago is likely similarly set up. Epstein/Maxwell's targeting of Mar-a-Lago employees and guests later caused Trump to ban them from the property in 2008, shortly before Epstein pleaded guilty. Furthermore, and perhaps most significantly as it concerns these new documents, the very attorney who helped get them unsealed says that Trump was the only person who picked up the phone and was eager to help him investigate Epstein and Maxwell. And that was back in 2009. Do you know of any other acquaintances or clients of Epstein who were eager to help any investigator or journalist who was looking into Epstein or Maxwell? So, when you include this information (and I put the citations below), Epstein and Maxwell were walking directly into a trap set up by Commissioner Gordon and Bruce Wayne/Batman when they engaged with Trump and visited his properties!! PS: Another bad move Epstein made was trying to "weasel" his way back into Trump's world in 2016, no doubt trying to make friends in high places ahead of a Trump Presidency ( a Clinton Presidency would have been preferable to him, of course). And so Epstein had lunch with Trump ally Peter Thiel, who we now know was also a DOJ asset! Hahahaha!! PSS: Y'all know that it was Trump's DOJ who indicted both Epstein and Maxwell, right? : ) Citations: Atlantic City Casino source: Further reading: "Jane" goes to Mar-a-Lago and pilot says Trump chartered plane Trump bans Epstein from Mar-a-Lago Trump and the Trump Org served as assets to the FBI/DOJ for DECADES: Video of Brad Edwards saying Trump helped him in 2009. And look, if you don't believe me about Trump and the Trump Org serving as assets of DOJ for decades, fine. I get it. Seems wild given what the news says and what Trump says. But I must point out to you that a journalist recently filed a FOIA that resulted in DOJ having to confirm it to be true. Epstein contacts Peter Thiel in attempt get back into Trump's orbit

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